GASLIGHT THEATER 520-886-9428 Description, Location, Hours and Recommendations
The Gaslight Theater & Little Anthony's Diner, what a fun place to go. A good description of The Gaslight is a down home comedy theater set in a western motif. The show room feels like a western saloon from the late 1800's, lots of raw wood and red checkered table clothes. There is a raised stage up front with wings off each side.
The wing to the right holds the band, usually a great rag time piano, a drummer & a strings guy. The performance of the play often swings out to the wing on the left so keep your eyes peeled in that direction.
The Gaslight usually has a cast of about a dozen or so and usually 6 to 8 are in each play. They change the plays about four times a year or so. There are often holiday themed plays, Christmas, Halloween, July 4th and so on. These are slapstick comedy plays and not at all sophisticated. The actors often add lib their lines and sometimes crack each other up with the add lib's. The show is never exactly the same, but it is always good. Outlandish Costumes, Outlandish Accents and some really stupid lines, but really, really funny.
We love the Gaslight and have been to many, many shows there. We most often go out for an early dinner and then catch the late show. They do have an early show and there is food available in the theater from Little Anthony's Diner which is housed in the same building.
If you are looking for something fun to do and don't mind a little silly, be sure and check the Gaslight out. It is truly a fun place.
Driving Directions: The Gaslight Theater is located at 7010 E. Broadway. MAP