When selling your Tucson home, changing your Tucson Address is simple. Just follow the steps below and setting up your Mail forwarding to you new address will only take a few minutes. Tucson Address Change forms are available at any Tucson Post Office or online so you can set up your Mail Forwarding from anywhere.
Q. Which form do I need to fill out to have my mail forwarded?
A. You will need to use the The Change of Address Order Form. It is available at any United States Post Office or online at The Official Change of Address Form.
Q. Does each person in the household have to have a form filled out?
A. If each member has the same last name and they are all moving to the same address, only one Change of Address form is needed. However, if this is not the case, each individual must complete their own Change of Address form.
Q. When does the Change of Address form need to be sent in?
A. Once you have an accepted offer and are past your inspection period is a good time to submit, the Change of Address form. At that point you are pretty sure that your sale will probably close as scheduled. The "Start Date" on the form will determine when the post office will forward your mail to the new address.
Q. How long will it take to forward the mail from one address to the other?
A. It will take approximately three to five days for your mail to be forwarded from your old address to your new address, depending on how far away they are from each other.
Q. Who else should be notified of my change of address?
A. Everyone who sends you mail should be notified of your change of address. This includes your family, friends, credit cards, banks, lenders, insurance companies, doctors, dentists, professionals, magazines, and others. You can get notification postcards from the post office.
Q. How long will the Post Office continue to forward my mail?
A. For most mail, it will be forwarded for twelve months and there at no charge. Third class mail will not be forwarded unless the sender requests it specifically.