Video Your Personal Belongings after your move from Tucson is complete and you are all unpacked, even if you just move across town. You probably already have a video camera or even a digital camera that will work in a pinch. Be sure to use the Audio option so you can describe your stuff as you make your video record.
The main reason to make a video record of all of the personal possessions in your new home is to have a record of your stuff in case you have a burglary or fire. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a nice little video with sound has to be worth ten thousand.
Have your spouse or kids help you with this project. You can take turns manning the camera and the others can identify different objects in each room. Describe each item as you go along and if it has a serial number or other identifying mark, be sure to mention it.
Open all the closet doors to show what the contents are and briefly describe the different items in there.
You can't believe how helpful this can be after a loss because many times you just can't remember everything you had. This way you have photographic proof in case you have to file a claim.
Once your video masterpiece is made, be sure to keep it off site or even make a duplicate of it and put one copy in a safety deposit box, at work or give it to a friend or relative for safe keeping.
Don't worry about being fancy here, you aren't trying to win an Oscar for this tape but just protect your possessions from loss. This can be a chore but make it a game & fun doing it.